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Our work at Many Stones Consulting is motivated by a deep desire to help make the world a better place by increasing the sustainability and effectiveness of individuals and groups working for social and environmental justice.
We facilitate personal and group alignment through a variety of tools and practices, including deep listening, increasing awareness of habitual patterns, somatic practices, and supporting specific and powerful steps toward visionary goals.
We facilitate personal and group alignment through a variety of tools and practices, including deep listening, increasing awareness of habitual patterns, somatic practices, and supporting specific and powerful steps toward visionary goals.
Rebecca S. Krantz

Rebecca (Becca) Krantz has a PhD in Sociology from the UW-Madison, where she studied the social, psychological, and spiritual foundations of community participation and activism. She has worked as the executive director, facilitator, and community organizer for a non-profit coalition of neighborhood associations in Madison, and is a founder and the lead organizer of CORE, Consulting for Organizational Reflection and Effectiveness. Becca is a certified Somatic Leadership Coach through the Strozzi Institute. Becca is happily married and spends a lot of time with her husband, two step-children, and other family and friends. She has a daily meditation practice, and loves to swim, dance, hula hoop, sculpt, knit, cook, and write.
More about Rebecca's work